The past two weeks have been incredible on the Coast

Range; with meters of fresh snow, followed by sunny cold skies and a stable snowpack. It took little convincing for Travis and Cheddar to join me ski touring from a cozy cabin to bold lines.
The late and great Jack Hannan brought me here on our first ski-day together. At the time, I had no idea what Jack was about to expose me to in the

following years. He opened my eyes, and the door to big mountain skiing; leading by example in his light-hearted yet focused and committed way.
Now years later, with a clearer vision, I've returned. Its a big wall and I was happy to test the smaller shoulder's spine, feeling the place out. This was the deepest snow I've skied on something this

steep. At times I thought the whole line was sliding on me, but it was ripable waist deep slough.
This spine was the Warm-Up run... So stay posted to see how comfort levels adapt.